It is a token deployed on Binance Smart Chain.

Coded in Solidity.

Having a total supply of 69,420,000 tokens in circulation.

ROCN is the abbreviation.

This the token address :- 0xb701c45eddef7d7042ee507d92ee223c49eba91e

How to Buy?

1.Create MetaMask wallet

Create a MetaMask Wallet using either a desktop computer or an iOS/Android mobile device. That will allow you to buy, sell, send, and receive ROCN

2.Send BNB(BINANCE COIN) to your wallet.

You can buy BNB directly on MetaMask or transfer it to your MetaMask Wallet from exchanges like Coinbase, Binance, etc. Make sure to use the BEP-20 network when transfering BNB.

3.Connect your wallet to PancakeSwap

Access your wallet to PancakeSwap by clicking ‘Connect to a wallet’ and selecting MetaMask.

4. Swap BNB for ROCN.

You can start swapping as soon as you have BNB available! Press ‘Select a token’ and enter the token address or search for it on the tokens list.

Token address:- 0xb701c45eddef7d7042ee507d92ee223c49eba91e


Rohit S Shinde

20 years old INDIAN pursuing B.Tech in Computer Technology. Cutting this short, here is my portfolio website.


First of all, THIS IS NOT A SCAM. I created this token for my final year engineering project just for the sake of gaining knowledge. I don`t intend to make any fortune from this. Incase this generates revenue all of it will be donated to NGOs for animal care.


Roco is my pet dog. He is a GERMAN SHEPHERD. I named this token on his name. Roco is THE GOODEST BOI.